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Hi my name is Bengt-Olof Drugge and I was born 29/7
I have since 1992 worked with
develop a fan, who I called the spiralfan.
The fan characterizes of high effenciy and a low sound level.
The unique whith
the fan is that the wing are buildt
on a spiralgeometry and that
the diffuser is buildt with constant area. The fan is of an
A messure
of the fan, at StatensProvningInstitut, shows that
the effenciy are
99.7 % and that the sound
level are 12db(A) lower than of the today best fans.
If you are intrested
to know more you can reach me on
Bengt-Olof Drugge
Tingshusgatan 4B
982 31 Gällivare
Articels on the subject
Other works:
Söderberg (Majk)