Snuff and Gevalia cofe which I must have to
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Some of my bookshell in my evningroom
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Sweden and a arrow
where Malmberget is located
Me resting on my
Photo:Time based
Swedish lingonberry, picked by my mother Flory
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Swedish blueberry,
picked by my mother Flory
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Owenfried sausage done by me and my sister
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
My sister Katarina and my mother Flory, in
front of the sea wassara
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Blueberrycake done by my sister Katarina, in my home
My army shoes, in case
the war begins
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
My Trangiakitchen,
to making food in the wood
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
The castle Fjellnes in Gellivare
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Baltic herring done by
me, sister and mother, dinner in my home
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Fish au gratin done by
my sister Katarina
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Kurt Grönberg rowing the boat, me behind, at my 25:th birthday
Photo:Erik Silen
My dad Roland Drugge, at my 25:th birthday
Photo:Erik Silen
A art in the village Porjus
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
The powerstation in porjus
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
A view of Luleåriver and me in Porjus
A reindeer in Porjus
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
My 37:th birthday,
savoury sandwich layer cake done by my sister Katarina
Photo:Katarina Drugge
Swedish chanterelle
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Fillet of beef done by
me and my sister
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Thin slices of
reindeer-meat, done by me and my sister
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Loin of porc, done by me and my sister, dinner in my home
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge
Fish au gratin done by
my sister Katarina, my mother and sister in my home
Spagetti done by me, dinner in my home
Photo:Bengt-Olof drugge
Minute steak done by
me, dinner in my home with a friend
Lingon-lemonade made in the home
Photo:Bengt-Olof Drugge